Wednesday, October 12, 2011

All About Gardening Techniques

The practice of gardening is the cultivation / breeding of plants for consumption, medicinal and ornamental. Small shrubs, weeds, grasses and a few large plants / trees are common elements of the park. Orchard fruit (grapes often) will be held in the garden a little bigger. Gardens can be a special (the only home of a single crop / plant) or a variety (with a different plant). Integration of different plants in the park and changing external conditions (climate, topography, soil conditions, water availability, etc.), gardening techniques many changes. Relax see the various methods used in gardening.

Propagation techniques can be classified into two categories namely, Organic gardening techniques. And intensive. There are actually several different ways that gardening techniques can be classified, however, the above classification is done using the criteria space and "green" approach is used. Therefore, we also help to identify the unique characteristics (including advantages and disadvantages) of intensive and organic gardening.

Organic gardening techniques

The main idea or the concept of organic gardening is to promote diversity and enhance the natural biological cycle. Synthetic fertilizers and pesticides are not used in organic gardening methods.

Different concepts of organic gardening can be better understood with the help of the points below.

Plants will be selected to grow in soil that must also be adjusted and there should be tolerance to drought. Resistant plants can survive in the long run.

Rather than increase the cost to purchase chemical pesticides, you should choose disease-resistant species.

In organic gardening, it is recommended to not cultivate the soil depth. This eliminates the beneficial soil microorganisms.

Fertilizers are used to enrich the soil must be made from vegetable plant leaves and kitchen waste.

To carry out the mulch, avoiding the use of polyethylene sheeting. The root and bark shredded shrubs can guarantee a good hedge against the heat, which in turn prevents water evaporation.

Apart from the compost made from leaves of fruit and vegetables and other garden plants, organic materials such as pine needles and peat moss can be used to improve soil texture.


or use surprising people is another way to go green. Form of compost prepared with the help of earthworms.

Earthworms and other worms and red worms, white worms, etc. feed on organic materials like leaves, kitchen waste and similar materials. These materials are processed to produce a worm vermicast.

Vermicast is a rich organic fertilizer that feeds plants without causing side effects.

Intensive gardening techniques

The idea of ​​intensive gardening operates on the principle of making best use of available space. The approach incorporated in this type of gardening is not only used to make more efficient use of space, but also for generating business quality is lacking.

The following points will help in studying the different techniques used for intensive horticultural crops.

Land area requiring mulch reduced almost to zero, using the method of intensive gardening.

Raised beds are usually used for intensive horticulture. The 3-5 foot wide raised beds make it easier to hold soil moisture and nutrients in the space provided. Raised beds also provide a deeper roots to penetrate. It helps in healthy growth of plants.

Sequential planting techniques used in intensive farming. Planting a row helps in getting a steady harvest throughout the year. An example of this technique is to plant spinach every 2 weeks.

Companion plants are intensive cultivation techniques used in the cultivation of plants that live in symbiotic relationships with others. These plants prefer sun can grow closer to those in need of color.

Different gardening techniques and suggestions presented in this article should assist in the cultivation, both for profit and also from the point of environmental conservation. Plant growth and hence food production, however, is the need of the hour, as if it would be disastrous to ignore the environmental implications of traditional use of fertilizers / chemicals and other methods. You should therefore complement the intensive farming methods with organic gardening methods.

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