Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Garden Tools - Hand Gardening Tools

For successful gardening, there are several methods to do in a given time of planting. Before the plants are grown, the soil bed preparation by turning the soil and remove rocks and debris (if any). After that, the seed is sown or planted plants in culture. To control the invasion of weeds in the garden bed, it is necessary to remove weeds and other undesirable plants. To achieve this, basic hand tools required in horticulture as a cultivator of the earth spinning, a shovel to dig and weed out Bleachers.

Hand Gardening Tools commonly used

Although there are some automatic garden tools, many people still prefer to use hand tools. They are cheaper and easier to use. Some enthusiasts of training in horticulture as exercise. Therefore, for them, hand garden tools are a better option than the automatic. Here are some basic tools needed for gardening.

Garden Shovel

A garden spade is an essential tool for digging, planting, soil lifting and heavy at times, to water the garden. Two paddle the most common types of standard and shovels to dig the border. Garden of the leaf blade with the tread heavier and more effective for digging. Speaking before a shovel lightly with a knife steel or carbon steel a better choice. These are not oxidized and equally effective.

Garden flat

A garden spade is a gardening tool that is widely used. It consists of a flat sheet of metal and short handle. In gardening, it is used for leveling of land, excavation, bedding plants and fertilizer mix. Garden trowel with stainless steel blade and corrosion short.


Gardener, as its name implies, is used to remove the branches of flowering plants, fences and large trees. A gardener's shovels and handles; configuration varies depending on a type of mower. In general, pruning shears and the intention to improve the way of coverage, while pruning saws are used for pruning tree branches strong.

GARDEN weeder

Garden Stands are available in different shapes and sizes, all designed to eliminate weeds. For example, crack weeder is used to scrape the weeds from the surface of hard rocks and crevices. GARDEN weeder can also be used as an ice scraper. It has a long handle and head. Today, many gardeners choose to use a weeder instead of a hoe.

Garden Rake

Sweeping lawn equipment used for various purposes in horticulture as loosening and leveling the ground, stone repairs, removal of large weeds, picking up dry leaves and dry grass in the garden and lawns. A common garden rake is a row of teeth projecting transversely attached to the wooden handle. At present, steel and plastic rakes have teeth of steel handles available. Some of them have two sides of the teeth, where one of them is a dull knife.

In addition to the basic gardening tools in hand, there are other tools that can be added as a growth area and / or type of gardening. For example, if you are planning to start a rock garden, a shovel after the bone marrow that have preferred to work in the boardroom. In other cases, planter used in heavy clay soil for planting.

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