Tomatoes - but now found all over the world - South America. It is, juicy acids, edible bright red fruits add flavor and color to your diet. In addition, tomatoes also have some health benefits - which are a rich source of lycopene - the type of carotenoids that act as natural antioxidants. They are also rich in vitamin C and vitamin A. So if you decide to plant tomatoes in your home, you make healthy choices! So how do you go about making a tomato garden? Here are tips on gardening for tomatoes.
Some gardening tips for tomato
Pot or plot: Tomato plants usually grow 1 to 3 feet high. But they have weak stems and need support. Therefore, the tomatoes can be grown in the garden, the garden or in pots as well. While the growth of tomatoes in the garden, be sure to plant the seed deep in the earth, the successor in the gutter. Tomato stems develop roots along the way. In addition, plant seeds in a wind parks - the tomato plants have the potential to increase the strength of the wind! Furthermore, while the tomatoes growing on the inside, make sure the pot is large enough. Potted plants should be watered more frequently than garden plants.
Soil: There are many types of "land" can be used in case of potted plants. Peat, compost, sand, vermiculite, and perhaps even coal is added to the pot. You can design your own optimal mix that provides the right amount of porosity. Tomato plants need a well drained rooting. Light soil is best and allows sufficient air to reach the roots.
Light: Plant Tomatoes love the sun! The right amount of sunlight can give you a good healthy plants that do a good tomato? Make a tomato plant in the sunniest patch in your garden. For potted plants, put them in the window that receives full sun for a long time today.
Water: Tomato plants need lots of water. However, excess water can cause damage too! As a general rule, plants in pots need more water for the garden. A good idea is to check how moist the soil before you actually water your plants. The key here is to keep the plants hydrated throughout the day. Irrigation frequency can be varied according to climate.
Fertilizing tomatoes is a good fertilizer plant and therefore it might be a good way to improve plant growth. Mulching can be done to maintain adequate moisture and prevent plants from drying out! Organic tomato gardening is the best way to grow tomatoes. Organic fertilizers provide trace elements and micronutrients, because it is not good to do something chemical fertilizers. An important tip is to avoid excessive nitrogen supply - plants tend to grow tall, the fruit is not much!
Pruning: Pruning tomatoes may not be necessary - but it is very important. Two main things to remember is to delete and remove dead leaves and sprouts leaves near the ground. Plants grow very well, even if the trimming. However, pruning protects plants against disease, and therefore highly recommended.
Pest Control: The fungus is the main culprit behind diseases of tomatoes, because tomatoes high content of acid and water - both prerequisites for the growth of fungi! Maybe fungicide used to control fungi. An excellent alternative is to use compost tea. Make sure no leaves or fruit of plants that touch the ground - this is the most common form in which the tomato plants developed the disease.
Tomato enrich your diet and health in a way. The supply of tomatoes in the garden are available in the market, no need to grow tomatoes that are difficult to obtain. Also the original tomato taste better! You can always be sure that there is no chemical in tomatoes that are used in food if they come from your own garden! You can go to a variety of recipes and really pamper your taste buds! Hopefully these tips will remain green and growing garden tomatoes! (Unless, of course, expect the tomato red!)
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