Each of us is always a relaxed atmosphere where you can comfortable and relaxed. Having a garden at home not only adds aesthetic, but also rewards you with beautiful flowers, fruits and growth stage of the delicious, nutritious vegetables. Plants that grow and multiply requires four basic elements like, heat, sunshine, gardening is a concept so broad that you can get the details. We will discuss the most basic in this article.
Sol everywhere!
If you are planning to have a large garden requires planning ahead. Site location is very important in terms of soil fertility, climatic conditions and exposure to sunlight. When exposed to a garden full sunlight for six hours a day, which stimulates ripening crops properly. Sunlight has many ahead of plant growth compared to water, fertilizer or human care. Soil should be rich, with enough water facilities so that water does not stagnate after the storm. While your garden should be ventilated
Prepare the soil
Well drained soil, very fertile for a garden to grow and develop. No exact type of soil that makes a difference, however, well drained soil, well supplied with organic ingredients, free from stones and retaining the moisture increases plant growth in your garden. Hard shale, rock, gravel beds, sand, or hardpan under the surface can hinder the development of a rich garden soil. Or, rich soil with good physical properties can be productive by using organic material, lime, commercial fertilizer, and improve the material from abroad.
Provide fertilizer
Other organic material and compost is the type of fertilizer used to facilitate the growth of young trees. Rich soil often benefit from a higher percentage of chemical fertilizers, but with caution, as excessive fertilization cause fertilizer burn. When fertilizer is added to the soil, it should be composted before planting, because fresh manure, the heat also will burn your plants.
Sowing the seeds
Depending on your young trees planted in the garden, set the depth recommended on the packet seed requirements. Tear off the corner of packet seeds and use your fingers to lightly touch the packet past the line, be careful in distributing the seed evenly. Larger seeds can be placed individually typed lines. You should plant extra seeds in each row to allow the growth is not, and weight loss. Close the seeds with fine soil (no lumps or stones). Soil above the seed companies to ensure good contact with moisture, and help retain soil moisture. Gently spray water on plants that do not disturb or uncover bones. Seeds need moisture to grow, so it is important to maintain soil moisture until the plants. When the seedlings have emerged and developed a second or third set of true leaves, thin it takes for you to keep the strongest plants, leaving the remaining distance as indicated on the seed packet. The best thing is thin, while the seedlings are still small, so they do not disturb the roots of plants are the basis for their development.
Tips for maintaining a beautiful garden!
• During the dry season, the vegetables need extra watering. Most vegetables benefit from an inch or more of water per week, especially when they succeed.
• Throughout the growing season to guard against insect pests. The discovery of a bug problem early it will be easier to take appropriate steps to remove the pests. Do not use pesticides once the plants bear fruit unless it becomes an absolute necessity.
• the grass courts vegetables of water, light and root space. Keep a regular basis (trying to get all the roots). If allowed to go to seed, be dealing with thousands of weeds instead of several.
Gardening is a relaxing hobby that rewards you with beautiful flowers, vegetables and fruits in your garden. All you need is a lot of tenderness and care and passion for gardening. If you care to water the plants daily, while carefully attending to the needs of their fair enough sunlight, airy space and water are always surrounded by a garden of bright and friendly!
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