Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Benefits of Gardening

Why you have to gardening? Many people give different reasons for wanting to gardening: relax, it makes them feel part of the land, they are reminded of his grandmother, save money, and more. One of the best reasons to plant a garden. That's true, is interesting. Not so much expecting something to happen the week, although some people might find interesting when the plant rears its head from the ground. Gardening is interesting because it allows you to experience new things. Lets see, smell and taste for seasoning vegetables and things they can not find anywhere else. Consider some examples.

Let's start with something you may think you know, tomatoes. How many types of tomatoes you can buy at your grocery store? In addition to the red of tomatoes, you can find yellow, white, pink, purple, orange, tomato or stripes? You can find green tomatoes? No raw tomatoes, but tomatoes are still green when ripe? All these can be grown from seed in your garden. How do they differ in taste? You learn to grow some.

Seed companies often have dozens of different types of tomatoes to choose from. For example, Baker Creek seed heritage of 141 different types of tomatoes.

The same principle applies to other vegetables. Baker Creek has 24 varieties of squash and 80 types of winter squash. They have 53 varieties of watermelon and over 79 types of melons. This was the seed that was collected around the world, so you can sample some food from other countries without leaving your own backyard.

More exotic seeds are also available. You may want to try narajilla grow sweet and bitter fruit of the Andes, the juice is described as the nectar of the gods. Green beans or Thailand, with flavors of nuts and used in Thailand to make the truth.

Believe it or not, it is even possible to obtain seed of some tropical fruits are scarce. Of course, if you can grow depending on the weather where you live. However, even if you are not prepared for the challenge, the trade winds, the fruit is a fun place to browse though. You will be amazed at what you lost. This site has beautiful pictures and prices. In addition to the seeds of the fruits from around the world, has the seeds of such things as coffee, tea, and even cinnamon and allspice. If you want an ornamental tropical plants, palms, seeds of fruit to air commerce as well. is another great site for seeds from around the world. They are also the seeds of fruit trees and tropical nuts, and seeds of different vegetables, herbs, flowers, cactus, etc. are interesting on its website a section for cold hardy palms, bananas, cassava and beans cycads. Here is a tree that can survive temperatures below freezing and bananas can be grown at least as far north as Zone 6. They also have a wide range of gardening items, including food crops and starter kits.

So why does your garden? Because it is interesting! Allows you to travel the world without leaving your page.

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