Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Gardening Tips - Winter Gardening

Gardening is more than just a hobby and a lot of activities that soothe the soul. For passionate gardeners, winter garden is a method that you can enjoy your hobby, even during a strong winter. This is a way to recover lost sunlight. A look at the beautiful and green, sweet carrots, snow-covered garden adorn Brussels warms and the sun can not take the soul. In addition, the winter that serves as an excellent opportunity to grow cover crops, which will help to improve the quality of land for summer crops. There are some points to consider when planning a winter garden.

Hours of plantations

Winter gardening is not plant their crops in the winter, but about to harvest their crops during the winter months. Best time to plant in winter during the summer. This is because the plant has grown strong enough to withstand the winter months. Knowledge of the average date of first killing ice can help you plan accordingly. Information on the average date of first killing ice can be obtained from local governments in the garden. Once you know the average date, you can plant your plants in the winter in a way they reach full maturity before frost arrives.

Selection line

The choice of a structured front in the South have developed the best winter garden, and you can take advantage of the greater amount of light available during the short days of winter. Choose a green plant on the lines serve as a method of natural protection from the harsh elements of winter. Or so you can get some PVC pipe and tie 10'x20 of 3 million sheets of plastic sheeting to protect plants from being bombarded with snow directly.

Growing plants in raised beds

Growing plants in raised beds in the winter. This is because the soil in raised beds warms faster than the soil in a large plot. In addition, the soil in raised beds dry out more quickly, thus preventing the plant standing on wet ground. Plant diseases such as root rot, so preventable. Small raised area bed, while the area is very large plot, so that difference. The bed is raised so that the roots of plants that prevents freezing.

Compost and mulch

Constant rains in winter can cause soil compaction. Mulching prevents soil is compacted and even lets you access the root vegetables, while the rest of the frozen environment. It also reduces the amount of sunlight reaching the ground, preventing weed growth. Mulch is the need to carry out gardening in the winter the frozen soil regularly. Peat, sawdust, shredded newspaper and bark mulch is the most commonly used for winter gardening. Apply mulch to beds before the frozen ground as a hedge is known to trap a layer of air on earth. Therefore, under the cover temperature higher than the air around them, increasing the insulation value (still allows air circulation). Do not forget to remove the covering in late winter or early spring, giving the soil time to warm up before the next crop grown.

Selection of crops

There are several types of vegetables can be grown during the winter months are harsh. Carrots, beets, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, endive, cabbage, cauliflower and mustard greens are some good choices to grow in your winter garden. Lettuce can be grown, provided they are protected and grow at the top. Unless you have a heated greenhouse, you can not grow tomatoes or squash in the winter. What can grow in your winter garden depends on the area to live, for example, wetlands, and Washington was difficult to grow vegetables because they are vulnerable to pests and diseases. And in places like the Dakota, extreme cold making it possible to grow vegetables in greenhouses, where temperatures are controlled. So it is best to contact your local extension agent for a list of plants that can grow in your winter garden.

Choosing the right ornamental plants

Due to winter conditions in the U.S. varies from place to place, you should contact your local extension agent from the list of ornamental plants for your garden in winter. The presence of rich red berries on the white snow is something worth seeing. You can trim Pyrcantha (Firethorn), attractive evergreen shrub that grows bright orange fruit. Then the trees are spectacular red holly berries. However, if you live in an area that houses a large number of birds, then you will want to keep the berries grow plants, because it could stem striped berry plant, even before the onset of winter. Growing herbs in your garden is also a very good idea. Provides fragrant aroma of fresh winter spring. You can try to plant any crop plant hazel witch. Then there is also a winter garden filled with Daphne intoxicating scent all winter with its strong aroma. Olives add a sweet aroma of spicy winter garden.


Compared to summer crops, winter crops should be planted in more ways. The distance between successive crops is to me more to facilitate a proper amount of air and water circulation and prevent attacks mold and mildew. Select plants that bloom in the winter garden and ensure that the plants tall plants on the north shore and the smallest in the south. This will prevent smaller plants in the shade. You can set your flowering plants by integrating either the same color or if you want the house effect can display different colors of flowers throughout the park.

Winter Gardening is not a new concept and has been practiced for centuries. This not only helps to maintain soil structure and fertility in the park at the top level, but also produces a delicious fresh vegetables throughout the winter, and costs less than the amount that would otherwise happen in the supermarket. However, do not forget to stop and enjoy the beauty of the winter garden in the winter months. Be happy!

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